Atlatl, Clay, Flint:
A day of hands-on history and our Spring open house is quickly approaching!
The gates to the site open at 9 am and demonstrations begin at 10 am. This event is free and open to the public. We will feature multiple booths of activities including flintknapping, pinch pots, yucca crafts, a touch table, a scavenger hunt, an atlatl lane, and beaded necklaces. All of the booths will be run by experts in their craft, anthropology, and history students, or Eastern New Mexico University Anthropology Department staff. Dr. Brendon Asher, Blackwater Draw Site Director and ENMU Anthropology Faculty will give a presentation inside the Interpretive Center (Bone Bed) at 1 pm. Our staff and volunteers will begin to tear down booths around 1 pm.
Souvenirs will be available for purchase or in a raffle benefitting the anthropology club. The club will also sell food (cash only) to support their trips and events throughout the next school year.
